Work in progress

Work in progress

Here there is what our team of representatives is working on, and the steps taken during the last months


We are working in order to let all the students who are eligible of receiving a DSU scholarship (assigned based on grades and family income) to actually receive it, since there is a list. Even though the eligible students in this Academic Year are increasing in number, we should be able to guarantee that every student who
meets the requisites would actually receive the scholarship. You can refer to our website to be updated after the Board of Directors’ meeting of November 27th.

The students’ loan is a very important and useful mean of support, allowing students to be able to support their own studies, getting money on loan thanks to Politecnico. The actual convenience is that the interest rate is very affordable (usually between 1-2%) and that the loan can be extinguished after the end of the studies in a certain amount of time. We already asked and we are still insisting that this service, sadly not working from about a year, shall be restored for all the Politecnico students as soon as possible.

We went on working so that the problems of liveability in our campuses shall never be underestimated. In particular, in the Bovisa Campus we noticed the lack of an enclosed indoor space for the students to eat their meals, often brought from home, as well as the long queues in front of the microwaves, essential to many for heating meals, even though we made it possible to add new microwave ovens on the first floor of the B12 building.For this reason, we ask for more to be added. Another important issue is about the lack of study rooms, when students are not attending classes. We brought to the Students’ Permanent Commission a proposal to obtain study room for about 60 more students in the B2 building, in Durando Campus.Also, are currently working to increase study room in the B8 building of the same campus. As always, suggestions are welcome!

In the last months, discussions heated up about overlapping exam dates for the Engineering students of Master Degree. We met with the didactics’ secretaries of the different Engineering departments, and we are carrying on three parallel lines of action, with short, medium, and long­ term goals:

  • Short term: for every Study Course we met with the secretaries’ staff and with the teachers who manage exam dates, trying to intervene in next exam session’s most critica!situations.
  • Medium term: we introduced a new way to distribute exam dates, that allows to whoever greater awareness on possible overlaps, preventing these from taking place.
  • Long term: jointly with the secretaries’ staff, we asked the ICT Services Area’s staff
  • to centralize the management of the exams’ dates of the Master Degree as well, and to make the creation of the Exam Session Calendar automatic, by introducing a suitable software.

At Leonardo campus, we are working as well with a series of actions to make
everyday lives of ali students better here on campus:we opened up a dialogue in the Students’ Permanent Commission, regarding the issues of lack of wiring and air conditioning in many rooms. Also, following your reportings, we successfully obtained the addition of 8 more microwaves in building 5, and 8 more in building 4; we are also in contact with the administration’ s staff to make the lockers system more coherent with the students’ needs. Finally, we are continuously at work with the Dean and the Facilities and Services Management Area, to address the problem of dramatic need for study rooms on campus.

The CNSU (National Council of Universitiy Students), meets in Rome once a month, to bring ali the issues of Italian Universities   to the attention of the Minister of Education. Among the topics of the last months – as our representative Anna Brazzini reports – there is one that can be interesting for those among our readers who might be interested in teaching.

As you may know, over one year ago, the TFA test was replaced by the FIT Course, as expected, in consequence of the “Buona Scuola” decree. According to this system, a student, to be eligible to teaching profession, must gain 24 CFU (University Credits), taking exams related to Antropology, Psychology, and Pedagogy, to access the competition, following which he or she must carry out a three-year internship.

It is likely, though, that the FIT system might change again, with the internship going from three to one year, even though today it is still hard to make definitive assumptions.We can nevertheless express our point of view on the topic: first of all it is not acceptable that so many fast changes are taking place on the ruling of access to teaching, since the aspiring teachers are not given any assurance on the stability of their near future.

Furthermore, all those who gained the 24 credits last year – that are not anymore necessary to have access to the competition – are waiting for answers, as well as protection.

It is not easy to agree to a compromise, and it is often even more difficult, to find the adequate way to make proposals, and to be listened. But on such a delicate topic, which rules on the future of those who will educate the next generations, we strongly believe that it is necessary to keep on working in the most incisive and effective way possible.


Following our proposal, the timing of delivery of the food stamps service, has been aligned for ali students, without distinguishing between first year and following years. Last years, a student who had the right to receive DSU food stamps for two years in a row, at the second year would have been quite disappointed, since between November 6th and November 30th service would not have been available for them, only due to non­ aligned timing. From this year on, the date of beginning of the service has been unified, and full­ year coverage of the food stamps service is guaranteed. Notice that the problems we have encountered with the new food stamps system is not related to the unification of the service. We are currently working on fixing ali problems, in cooperation with the DSU Services offices.

Beginning with academic year 2018/2019, it is finally possible to add up to 32 CFU (not 30 anymore) in arder to obtain a fee reduction, paying 25% of the whole amount due, both for students who are enrolled in Politecnico, and for those who are just taking single courses. Same reduction was reintroduced for students who are about to end their studies, meaning the students with a complete Study Pian for academic year 2017/2018, who passed ali their exams during the exam dates of 2017/2018, and who graduate after the last graduation session of 2017/2018.This way, they will avoid paying first and second fee entirely, like it used to happen previously.

In the last months we worked to create a platform that could be useful for both sharing ErasmusProgram experiences, and to make questions on the destinations, to help students who are choosing in their pick. This new tool started working on June and it will be more and more useful, while students keep on sharing their experiences.You can find it searching for “International Exchange”or “Mobility”among the Beep channels.

News in B12 building! Following our many proposals, a microwave area was opened on the first floor, with 6 brand new ovens, and about 60 wired study seats were added. Also, underneath the University canteen in the Bovisa – La Masa Campus, another study room with 30 seats and wiring was opened.


In this moment we have to face the dramatic issue of the heavy overcrowding we are experiencing here at Politecnico, where rooms can’t fit all the students who are attending a given course, leading to poor teaching quality.For this reason, after many thoughts and discussions, the admission to the School of Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, has been modified. There is still the chance to access during the fourth year of high school, with a score of more than 60, thus entering in the chosen course.For the students of the last year of high school, a list will be made, based on the test’s score, and the expressed preferences, with the chance to repeat the test for a total of three times, keeping the best score of the three. The chance to enroll will be guaranteed for ali those who will score more than 60, but access to the chosen course will be regulated by the list, based on the individuai score. With this new mode, it won’t be possible to take the admission test in September (even though we strongly asked to keep this chance), while with a score between 20 and 60, it will be possible to enroll with an OFA, but still depending on the list based on individual scores, and until the set number of admitted students will be reached. For further info, please check our article on this topic, published on our website.

We now want to make things a little more clear, after a lot of fuss was made during the last months. Following the decision of MIUR regulation authority to have a minimum of three courses in italian in the Master Degree, every Course of our University started working on implementing such guidelines, for academic year 2019/2020, trying to define which courses will be better taught in which language.

We recently introduced a whole new area of the Lista Aperta website, entirely dedicated to the first year students, or to all those who, for whatever reason, might stili feel a freshman: maps, guide to fee payment and calculation, info on Erasmus Program, libraries, books, Study Pian, and much much more. Don’t wanna miss that!

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